Transportation Browse the latest news and press release

Published on Jul. 11, 2023, 02:15 am EST
Distribution channels: Business General, Transportation
Published on Jun. 20, 2023, 03:42 am EST
Distribution channels: Software, Transportation
Published on Jun. 09, 2023, 02:01 am EST
Distribution channels: Transportation
Published on May. 25, 2023, 03:45 am EST
Distribution channels: Aerospace, Transportation
Published on May. 16, 2023, 04:40 am EST
Slimme tachograaf type 2 verplicht vanaf 21 augustus 2023
Slimme tachograaf type 2 verplicht vanaf 21 augustus 2023

Het Europese Mobiliteitspakket bepaalt dat nieuw geregistreerde voertuigen per 21 augustus 2023 voorzien moeten zijn van een slimme tachograaf type 2 (SMT2). Met deze maatregelen streeft de Europese Unie naar verbeterde verkeersveiligheid.

Distribution channels: Automotive, Transportation
Published on Apr. 25, 2023, 09:25 am EST
Distribution channels: Corporate Expansion, Transportation
Published on Apr. 20, 2023, 08:04 am EST
Distribution channels: Environment, Transportation, Mergers & Acquisitions
Published on Apr. 14, 2023, 07:09 am EST
Distribution channels: Business General, Transportation
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